
Standing Committees of Pastoral Council

There are six standing committees of the Pastoral Council.

These groups function as separate committees, accountable to the Pastoral Council. The standing committees meet once a month on a Common Meeting Night in order to share prayer together, to exchange information and announcements, and to engage in social interaction after their separate meetings. The date of the monthly Common Meeting Night is listed in the weekly Bulletin.

Christian Formation: The role of this committee is to develop within the parish an understanding that the community as a whole has the responsibility to provide and engage in lifelong Christian Formation based on Scripture and Catholic Tradition. The committee is advisory to the Directors of Adult & Family, Youth, and Child ministries. The committee is also responsible for the design, implementation, and evaluation of all parish Christian Formation programs.

Human Concerns: The role of this committee is to serve the human concerns interests of the parish through three major approaches: (1) Justice Education, (2) Social Action, and (3) Direct Services. Learn more about Human Concerns here

Liturgy: The role of this committee is focused on the glory of God and sanctification of all who participate in worship. The work of the committee is fourfold; (1) to give direction to the liturgical aspects of parish life; (2) to identify the spiritual needs of parishioners; (3) to provide opportunities for parishioners to deepen their faith through participation in a variety of prayer experiences and liturgical celebrations; and (4) to oversee the liturgical ministries of the parish. This committee is advisory to both the Director of Liturgy and the Director of Music Ministry.

Long Range Planning: The role of this committee is to assist the parish in planning for the long range parish needs. The committee is responsible for developing an ongoing five-year plan.

School: The role of this committee is to develop and define the policies which govern the operation of the parish school and to promote the implementation of these policies by the Principal. The committee is responsible for communicating all policies regarding the school to parents, students, faculty, and other school personnel.

Communication: The role of this committee is to work in an advisory capacity to help promote the parish in a unified and positive manner.  Through a sharing of information with the four Communication sub-committees, this core group will identify and prioritize project needs for the parish at large, including assisting the communication efforts of the pastoral staff, parish council and all other standing committees.


Other Committees and Associations

In addition to the six Standing Committees of the Pastoral Council, there are three other committees of the parish (Outreach, School Endowment, and Welcoming) and two associations (Athletic Association and Home and School).

Outreach Committee: The role of this committee is to allocate to Christian charities at the local, state, federal, and international level the amount which the Parish collects in special collections. This committee is directly accountable to the Parish Council.

School Endowment Committee: The role of this committee is to oversee the investment of all monies donated or gifted to the School Endowment Fund. Each year the interest earned is transferred to the school budget. This committee is accountable to the Parish Council.

Welcoming Committee: The role of this committee is to plan, schedule and invite new members of the parish to one of three receptions held each year. The receptions are both social and informational. This committee works closely with the Parish Council as well as the other committees and organizations of the parish.