Adult Formation Programs
What is Adult Formation Ministry?
At St. Alphonsus Parish, we guide adults to a fuller understanding of the Gospel within the Catholic faith tradition
offer programs focused on:
- faith formation: RCIA, Adult Confirmation, Catholic Update Programs, Theology Series, Scripture Presentations and Study Programs
- spiritual renewal: mornings and evenings of reflection, retreats, parish missions, small faith community groupings
- lifelong learning: Adult Learning Programs-daytime and evening opportunities
Parish volunteer teams work together with the Pastoral Associate to plan, implement and evaluate programs. Teams include the Adult Learning Program Board, RCIA Team, and Small Faith Community Coordinating Team. Programs are led by parish volunteers, paid religious professionals, and the Pastoral Staff. Parishioner needs are met with sensitivity to the stages of adult faith development, so that participants may respond more fully to their baptismal call, and be guided to a fuller understanding of the Gospel within the Catholic Faith tradition.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), is led by parish catechists, pastoral staff members, parish sponsors, and hospitality persons.
A Parish Team also leads the Children’s Catechumenate, a family-styled program that prepares unbaptized children and those baptized in other faith traditions for reception into the Church, and the Initiation Sacraments.
A separate Adult Confirmation Program is offered for baptized, unconfirmed Catholics. This program is often done collaboratively with neighboring parishes, and is staffed by church professionals.
The Adult Ministry offers a variety of programs throughout the year that are focused on faith formation, spiritual renewal, and lifelong learning. Programs are led by parish volunteers, paid religious professionals, and the Pastoral Staff. Programs vary in length and are offered daytime and evening.
There are three ways to register: use the online sign-up in the menu (right), call the Parish Office, or return a sign-up card (also available in the menu) to the Parish Ministry Center.
Parish Mission Day 1 "Our Need for Hope"
Parish Mission Day 2 "Christ is the Source of Our Hope"
Parish Mission Day 3 "Discipleship as Our Path of Hope"