The Eucharist is the sacrament of love; it signifies love, it produces love. The Eucharist is the consummation of the whole spiritual life.
--St. Thomas Aquinas
To speak of the Blessed Sacrament is to speak of what is most sacred.
--St. Euphrasia

What Jesus did for us at the Last Supper and on Calvary is truly made present for us in the Eucharist (Communion). At every Mass, we have the opportunity to receive the Eucharist – the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
The Sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated regularly on Sunday and weekdays (see the Mass Times page). We recently began offering the Precious Blood during Communion for the congregation, though note that receiving under either species (Body or Blood) is receiving the full graces of the sacrament.
If you are interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister, please email Deacon Jim Leggett.
First Eucharist
First Eucharist is ordinarily celebrated in second grade. Because of the importance of this sacrament, the amount of information that second graders must learn, and per Archdiocesan policy, preparation for First Eucharist must start the year prior (or sooner) to the reception of the sacrament. Preparation includes sessions with the parents and children to supplement the classroom instruction. First Eucharist is a sacrament of initiation and, as such, is celebrated during the Easter Season.
For those who attend St. Alphonsus School, preparation for First Eucharist is part of the first grade school curriculum.
For those enrolled in the parish Christian Formation program, preparation begins in first grade. Details regarding preparation and requirements are listed in the First Holy Communion section of the Sacrament Preparation page.
Parents who anticipate homeschooling their first grader(s) need to meet with the appropriate parish staff to assure compliance with Archdiocesan policy. Please contact the Christian Formation Office at 414-421-2442.