This winning event is St. Al's only parish fundraiser, and it supports all of our ministries. We can't do it without your generous support! Stay tuned to this page to be kept up to date on all things auction-related!
For questions about the auction, please contact our chairs:
Amy Schermetzler: amy@st-alphonsus.org
Dawn Eisold: dawn.eisold@gmail.com
Thank you to our generous sponsors!
Stu's Flooring
24th Annual Parish Auction
Help Us Run for the Roses for the annual St. Alphonsus Parish Auction on Friday, May 2, 2025 at Boerner Botanical Gardens!
Registration Now Open!
Order an Auction Raffle Calendar!
Only 750 will be sold!
Purchase an auction raffle calendar after Masses in the Gathering Space, at the Parish Office, or at the School Office. You can also turn in the order form linked below!
Calendars are $25 each and provide you with many chances to win! Over $8,750 in prizes, and your name stays in for every drawing. Calendars make great gifts to tuck into Easter baskets, gift for weddings or anniversaries, birthdays, teachers, and more!
Click on the order form for more info!
You Make a Difference - Get Involved!
We’re looking for items for our live and silent auctions, raffle baskets and other games. Here are some examples and suggestions to get your creative juices flowing:
- Sports – Packers/Brewers/Bucks/Badgers/Marquette tickets, tailgate package, memorabilia (signed/collectibles)
- Recreation – golf package, fishing trip, comedy show/theater tickets, ski lift passes, fishing tackle, axe throwing, bowling
- Hospitality/Travel – airline miles, vacation home or condo usage, downtown overnight, Lake Geneva weekend getaway, trip package, boutique hotel stay, suitcases, travel gear
- Food and Drink – mother/daughter high tea, themed baskets (gourmet coffee, picnic in the park, Sunday brunch, taste of Italy, local sampler, bourbon tasting, old fashioned, etc.)
- Home – grill or smoker, small kitchen appliances (air fryer, Keurig, etc.), kitchen gadgets, car detailing, power tools, gardening basket, small furniture, seasonal décor, man cave gear
- Kids – Lego basket, birthday party at a venue, kids’ outings
- Fashion/Personal Care – jewelry, purses, accessories, pamper me basket, salon/spa certificate
- Services – home cleaning, lawn care, hang Christmas lights/decorations
- Handcrafted Items – Are you an artist or skilled craftsman? Please consider making a one-of-a kind item for the auction!
- Gift Cards – gas, restaurant, grocery, golf, airfare, Netflix, etc.
As always, THANK YOU for your continued support of St. Alphonsus Parish & School. We are so grateful for all you do to support our community!
St. Alphonsus Parish is proud to use student servers for our auction!
This counts as volunteer hours for the students, saves St. Al's the money we'd otherwise have to pay for adult waitstaff, and is a lot of fun!
Students in grades 4-8 are eligible, as well as high school students.
Students should arrive at 4:30 and will be done around 10:00pm. Students assist with table setup and decor; serve appetizers to guests during cocktail hour, and work in the dining room, clearing plates, serving entrees, serving coffee, etc.
We will feed students shortly after arrival. They should wear a plain white shirt or blouse with black pants or a black skirt, and comfortable, closed toe shoes.
Look for our sign-up in mid-March!