Child & Youth Ministry Programs
Welcome! You are all a great gift! And your desire to bring your children up to know and have a relationship with Jesus Christ is truly inspiring. It inspires within us, here at St. Alphonsus, to dream big dreams. And you are all a part of the dreams we have!
Our program is divided into three groupings:
- Sunday Morning (K-Grade 5)
- Sunday Evening (Grades 6-11)
- Family Program (Wednesday Evenings)
In addition, if you were here last year, take a moment and look at a few of the adjustments made for this coming year:
- Family Program is offered twice a month on Wednesday evenings from 6:00pm-7:30pm.
- Sunday morning classes will continue meeting after the 9am Mass, from 10:10am-11:30am.
- If you have any additional questions, please contact the Christian Formation Office at 414-421-2442
- Questions regarding programs for children in 5K through 5th grade - contact Karen Farrell
- For questions regarding programs for youth in middle or high school – contact Karen Farrell
- For questions regarding registration, payment options or tuition assistance - contact Christine Gozdowiak

If you are interested in registering your child for classes please e-mail