Love One Another Charitable Fund

Dear Parishioners,

We want to announce the St. Alphonsus Love One Another Charitable Fund -- the next step in the Love One Another (LOA) campaign. No, this is NOT another fundraiser! One of the stated goals of the Love One Another (LOA) campaign is increasing our outreach to the poor. The campaign at St. Alphonsus has earmarked $25,000 for this purpose. These monies are set aside “…to provide funds our parish can distribute to local and international organizations serving the poor and marginalized.”

The full amount of this one-time charitable fund is $25,000. It will be used to award start-up and emerging charitable organizations that do not otherwise have a fundraising branch, or receive ongoing support from the Catholic Church. The fund is intended for projects in the $2500 to $5000 range, and will be awarded on a first-come basis. Submitted proposals must be supported by our Catholic values, and they may not be used for general operating expenses.

Groups, committees, or individual parishioners of St. Alphonsus may submit a request in writing to nominate an organization or project. Project Submittal Forms can found on the tables in the Church Gathering space or downloaded to the right. The form should be sent to Saint Alphonsus Parish Office. It is then passed on to the LOA Charitable Fund Committee for initial review and recommendation to the Pastor and the Pastoral Council, who give final approval and fund determination, with a response to the Project submitter. Payment is within 60 days. Project applications will be reviewed throughout the summer.

We are urged to go out into the world and live the Good News of the Gospel. We can respond to this call by practicing the Corporal Works of Mercy found in Jesus’ parable in the Gospel of Saint Matthew. Thank you for prayerfully considering charities where these funds could best serve the needs of our poor and marginalized brothers and sisters!

The Love One Another Charitable Fund Committee

José Gonzalez, Pat Kempen, Dennis Kempen, Ken Kieck, Tony Novinska

Sr. Eileen Kazmierowicz, Fr. Kevin McManaman

July Update

St. Alphonsus LOA Charitable Fund is a restricted account.  Our parish set aside $25,000 from the LOA Campaign to increase our outreach to the poor, with a special focus on grants from $2,500-$5,000 being awarded for "start up and emerging charitable organizations".  to date, $10,450 has been disbursed.  Our current balance is $14,550.

We will continue to accept proposals throughout the summer.  Proposals will be reviewed prior to the September 12th Pastoral Council Meeting.  Please use the Project Submittal Form found above.  Hard copies are available in the Church Gathering Space and the Parish Office.  Route your proposals to the Parish Office.

Thank you for prayerfully considering charities where these funds could best serve the needs of our poor and marginalized brothers and sisters!

The Love One Another Charitable Fund Committee

José Gonzalez, Pat Kempen, Dennis Kempen, Ken Kieck, Tony Novinska

Sr. Eileen Kazmierowicz, Fr. Kevin McManaman



For more information on St. Alphonsus' Love One Another Campaign click here

For the Archdiocesan Love One Another Campaign website click here

Love One Another

Love One Another Charitable Project Form